Hello, I'm Jenna!

I make websites.

Hello! I'm Jenna. A web developer from New York City, currently working at a Silicon Valley startup called, Fomotograph.

I create websites using HTML5, CSS3, Sass, and JavaScript. I also create full web applications using Ruby on Rails and Django.

Collector of Cats

A web application that shows you a random photo of a cat, and allows you to add the photo to your album of cat photos.

Artify Me

Turn a regular photo of you into a work of art. Want to look like the Mona Lisa? Artify Me!


September 2015 - Present

Silicon Valley, California
Web Developer


December 2012 - September 2015

London, England
Web Developer

Jenna's Web Development Consultancy

August 2011 - December 2012

New York, New York
Web Developer